Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Shrine Down the Hall

I really enjoyed this project because it forced me to clean my room.  Although you may not be able to tell, this is probably the cleanest my room has ever been.  It was an adventure discovering all of the unknown things that my room held.  I really liked having to do another HDR.  It's been a rather long time since I've dabbled in that art form.  I forgot how awesome it made photos.  It brings out the details in everything and adds cool effects to the photograph.  I especially enjoy the way it made my carpet look because I hate my carpet in real life.  Overall I enjoyed the meaning of this project because I enjoyed the way that the bedrooms represented and personified the solders who had passed away while serving.  I like how just through a photo you can tell a person's interest likes and sometimes dislikes.  For example you can tell that I'm very athletic but still a girly girl.